about us

There is so much fighting for your attention when you enter the university. Whether you’re here for two years or ten, you will leave with a variety of experiences, academic achievements, community, and values. We hope and pray that you will take some time from it all to check out Chi Alpha and hear of the love, hope, and peace to be found in truly knowing and being known by Jesus Christ.

Our “Mission” is to be a voice that will communicate this to YOU, in word and deed, before your time here is up!
Our vision is to reconcile Virginia Tech students to Christ, and build a strong foundation for a lifelong relationship with Him.

Virginia Tech Chi Alpha is one of approximately 275 campus ministries worldwide!

The Name

In the Bible, the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:20,

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God."

Our movement of campus ministries finds its identity in this passage. We believe that God longs to have each and every person be reconciled to Himself and that the way that re-connection happens is through the representation of his people. Each of us who takes on the identity of “Christian” becomes Christ’s ambassador – or christou apostoloi in Greek – which we shorten to the first letters “Chi” and “Alpha” or XA. Our name is our constant reminder that each of us has a real part to play in this world. We each can carry Him within us to bring Him closer to the people around us.

Our staff

Click on any photo to support one or more of our staff members!

Anthony & Michelle Saladino
Johnny & Amanda Rebman
Caleb & Bonnie Forehand
Caleb & Ona-Lydia Cox
Isaac & Audra Barnard
Nicholas Cole
Alex & Hannah Mortimer
Ethan Agnor
Steve Van Zandt
Eileen Tracy
Amanda Bowen
Megan Pendleton

Core values

Commitment to Christ

So many of us grow up with a bad taste for religion, specifically Christians, or we think Christianity is boring, a bunch of rule-following and religious rituals. Well, we can assure you that the cross Christ bled and died on was for so much more than that! Christ died for love, our salvation, and our whole hearts! In Chi Alpha, we want you to have a vibrant, personal, and lasting relationship with Christ first and foremost! We want you to understand this phrase, “The Gospel,” and let it change you from the inside out. Everything we do is geared to help foster that understanding and connection above all else!

Core values

Commitment to Community

You need Chi Alpha and Chi Alpha needs YOU! We were not meant to do the ups and downs of life alone. In Chi Alpha, we believe a community is more than doing fun things with others. The Bible gives us the greatest example of community in Acts 2:42. From these scriptures, we learn community is a lifestyle. It’s being with people in their joy and suffering. It’s learning to be real, vulnerable, ask for help, be teachable, humble, generous, and learning to trust people. Community is a high priority for us. Moreover, we know you’ll make the best friends of your life here as you make Chi Alpha a part of your COMMUNITY!

Core values

Commitment to Wholeness

We have all felt the effects of sin and darkness in our world and we need a time and a safe place to allow Christ to heal us from wounds, addictions, and false God-concepts. We are excited to come alongside you in your journey of healing whether it is emotional, spiritual, or physical. We want to see God set you free and send you out of VT a more whole, self-aware, responsible, and healthy person than when you came! We mentor, we have small groups, we retreat, and we pray a lot. These are just a few avenues we practice soul care in.

Core values

Commitment to Mission

It has been said that the greatest hate crime ever committed is when someone who believes in a literal hell and knows how to stop people from going there one day, for whatever reason decides not to do anything and everything humanly possible to warn, tell and reach people with this truth. With that said…our commitment to missions and sharing the TRUTH of Christ's love and sacrifice for ALL is prime at Chi Alpha. We spend the entire school year, week in and week out, making it our goal, to BE loving and share the Gospel!

Core values

Commitment to Diversity

We are committed to being a diverse community of the Spirit because the Bible teaches that Christ died for all, every human is made in the image of God, and that heaven will be filled with people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. We desire to see the walls of hostility that our broken world has created between different ethnicities, social and economic classes, torn down by the love and power of Christ. We build bridges and establish relationships because Christ did. Individually and collectively we critically examine and challenge our biases and assumptions as we think, lead, create, and reach out daily.

Core values

Commitment to Empowerment

When Jesus walked the earth he did mighty miracles and healings. He walked with authority and power and said his followers would do the same and even greater things than Him! We are thankful for God’s Spirit on earth, the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to reach the lost world. Therefore, we refuse to do it in our own strength; we need the supernatural power of God to work in and through us to reach others. We are committed to asking God for more of His power to do so and believing that the supernatural is natural for followers of Christ.

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