The Book of Hosea

A 7 day devotional series on thriving and surviving this Spring Break

~~ Day 4: Assyria and Egypt ~~ 

Read:  Hosea 8-9

Hosea 8 continues by explaining that Israel’s stubborn and naive nature had led them to seek out Assyria, turning this beloved nation into a “useless vessel.” The Hebrew word for “vessel” in this passage can also be translated “jewel.” Israel, something precious like a jewel, something with a distinct purpose like a vessel, had become useless. Why? Because they left the source of their purpose to seek out other solutions. They left the source of their fruitfulness, leaving them barren (Hosea 9:11-17). For when God’s children leave His side, they can do nothing (John 15:5).

Process with the Lord through the journaling questions!

Take away:    
Read Psalm 22:1-5. When has God been faithful to you? Journal about God’s past faithfulness. Reflect on how His past faithful can change how you view your present circumstances and future fears. Reach out to your accountability from Day 1 and share one way God has been faithful and steadfast in your life. List out some practical ways you can stay in the spiritual discipline of “remembering” God’s goodness as we continue through this school year.