Read: Hosea 14Devo: Last day of our study! Chapter 14 is one of the most hope-filled, yet sobering chapters in all of Hosea. Verses 1-3 direct the Israelites to return to the Lord, even laying out the words they would say if drawn to repentance. Words that would reflect a genuine heart posture of submission before God and sorrow over past iniquity. Verses 4-9 bring the Lord’s response of forgiveness, restoration, and love. He says He will heal their sin, love them freely, and turn away His anger.
Process with the Lord through the journaling questions!Take away: Take time to listen to the Spirit moving in your life. Worship music, reading Scripture, sitting in silence, journaling a prayer, going for a walk alone in nature, whatever that may look like, just be with God and listen to what He truth He may be speaking into your life. Set a goal to share with someone what you have learned this week in studying the book of Hosea and what God has spoken to you. If after this study, you have decided to follow Jesus, making Him the Lord and Savior of your life, please let us know. We are so excited for what God is doing in your life!